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Monday, October 29, 2007
The date I saw clearly in my dreams is approaching and nothing is happening. Guess it was just a dream after all. Anyway, I don't think I am ready just yet. Oh well....
11:43 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
This lesson that I read from a book jerked me awake. It is about King Saul. He was the first King of Israel, handpicked by God. But He disobeyed God deliberately by holding on to things God explictly told him to get rid of. "Before we condemn Saul too harshly, let us assure ourselves that we have not been guilty of similar disobedience. We may be glad to be rid of disgraceful and degrading sins that hurt our self-esteem, but have we spared well-loved sins, favourite indulgences, or habits about which the Spirit of God has spoken to us time and again? In condemning Saul, we may be condemning ourselves."
11:59 PM
Monday, October 08, 2007
(A poem I came up with after Willy read Psalm 51 yesterday) It's ok to tell God we've erred. He will not look down on us. It's ok to face God just as we are, in our sinful self. He will not condemn us. It's ok to tell God we've wronged Him. He will not turn His back on us. It's ok to tell God we don't know how to pick the pieces up. He will lift us up. It's ok to think we are not good enough for God. His grace is enough. It's ok to not feel sorry enough for our sins. He's not surprised by anything we do and yet He will never give up or walk away. 'You desire truth in the inward parts. A broken spirit and a contrite heart; Oh God, You will not despise.' All He wants is just a sentence from us "God, I need You." And He will come to us. cos 'The Lord is near to all who call upon Him'.
3:58 PM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
'A Contrite Spirit' - the very words given to me by a preacher who came to my church more than 2 months ago. Defintion of 'contrite': filled with a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement; penitent These words given to me were not part of a sentence; neither were they elaborated on. Just these 3 words. They came back to me quite often these few days. Cos it seems to me that I've always been doing things that might not please God these days. I remembered I argued with Fen and Shaun on how I felt unhappy that the preacher gave me these 3 words. I wasn't ready to accept these words for myself cos I felt that 'am I not on the right track to a better relationship with God?' I just re-committed my life to Him and was feeling spiritually powerful and confident. It didn't seem to me that I would go back to my old ways again. Hence, I didn't feel the need to always be repentent. (Note the word 'always'. I'm not saying I thought I wouldn't do wrong again. But that I thought I would do more right than wrong. Hence, no need for the contrite spirit. But as I think about it now, how wrong can I be? Nearly everyday these few days, I kneeled before God, asking for forgiveness, repenting. Just a few days ago, I was reminded of these 3 words - 'A Contrite Spirit'. So the preacher was right after all. A contrite spirit did follow me after that day. Without any doubt, those were God's words told to him for me. Though I couldn't understand then what on earth the significance of these words were to me then, now I know. And I'm grateful cos I know for sure that God knows my future; what I will or will not do in the days/months/years to come. And you know what, even though He knows that I will still be disobedient in the future, even though He sees that I will still break His heart at times in the future, He still chooses to reveal Himself to me. He still hasn't given up hope on me and loves me still the same. "A broken spirit and a contrite heart; oh God, You will not despise" Psalm 51:17 My friends, this is the God I serve. He is ever loving, ever quick to forgive, ever ready to run to us when we call...
3:09 AM
Yours Truly
~~~JING ER~~~
*Just an ordinary girl made extraordinary by God*
*Interestingly and uniquely created*
*Never fail to be amazed by God's love, grace and mercy*
*Going on a journey to become the woman God's created me to be*
*Everytime I am lost, I know His love will lead me home*
*Refreshed whenever I turn to Him*
Favourite Poem
Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God
that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.