Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This past few days, weeks in fact, I am reminded of God's love through people's sharing, through people's blogs, through my bible-reading, through my prayers, through my seeking...

This entry shall be a summary of the love lessons I learnt. The ones that made a strong and huge impact on me.

Serene's sharing (a paraphrase):
"God's precious. It was just a normal MSN nick. But everytime JE talks about it, I realise the significance of it. What is the Chinese word of 'precious'? It is 'Bao Bei'. My family and I call our pet bird 'Bao Bei'. We just love the bird so much. We feed it, protect it, ensure it is safe and happy. One day, as I looked at it in its cage, it dawned on me that it has done nothing to make us love it so much. It just poops and does nothing, staying in its cage all day long. Done nothing for us, yet we love it so much that we call it 'Bao Bei' lovingly. It dawns on me that God is like that too. We are all His Bao Bei. We have done nothing to make Him love us. In fact, I believe all we know how to do is make a mess of ourselves. What have we done that makes Him love us? Nothing. But He just loves us. As simple as that. We are His Bao Bei, despite what we have or have not done."

An article I read (a paraphrase):
"People call me childish for calling God my Daddy God. I am a 40-year-old grown-up man. And yet call Him my Daddy God. Why not? Paul and Jesus did too. They call Him 'Abba, Father'. 'Abba', in the Jewish language' is an endearing term for 'father'. It is the equivalent to our present time 'Daddy'. So I am calling Him my Daddy God and that's that. He is my Daddy and I know He loves me and no one can stop me from calling Him that."

Anatastica (to Lester):
"God already knows what you need and what you want to ask Him. He just wants you to ask Him personally cos He wants you to talk to Him, your Father. Just ask Him and He will happily give you what you want. He is waiting for you to ask."

What I personally know in my spirit:
God is not a passive Father. He is active in pursuing me everyday. Waiting patiently and lovingly for me each day to talk to Him. No matter what I have done, no matter how guilty I feel, even if it is just false guilt, He is there. He is not waiting with a cane or a sulken face but waiting with a smile and outstretched arms. He is there waiting for me to wake up every morning and say 'Good morning, Daddy God.' Should I forget about Him and miss my daily appointment with Him, He is still there and will never walk out on me.

1:25 PM

Friday, March 07, 2008

A look, a word, a smile, a rumour.

These 4 small things made a HUGE impact today.

A look ---
betrays my insensitiveness, selfishness and unknowingly, I hurt a child of God. I'm sorry, Father. I truly am. The thing that affects me most is not that I realise I am 'bad' in a way. It is also not so much as I hurt her. But what affects me the most is that, in doing this, I hurt God the most cos I hurt His child.

A word ---
that I said unknowingly, that I thought was just a causal remark, encourages a child of God. It is not just a simple prayer. The words I uttered were what God wanted me to say at that point. Thank You, Father, for Your amazing works.

A smile --
that I know he will catch and that he will know that I know. Just that simple gesture, a smile, will let him know we care and his Daddy God loves him and has not forgotten him, despite how far he may feel he is from God.

A rumour ---
that is spread that cuts me deep. A rumour that is not based on anything concrete. A rumour that made my heart sink to the very bottom of my heart. A rumour that makes me feel stupid.

11:26 PM