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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
![]() Finally got to watch 'The Kite Runner' yesterday. Been wanting to watch it for a long while. As of yesterday, there was only a cinema (Cineleisure) left in the whole of Singapore screening it and there were only 2 timeslots - 3.10pm and 9.55pm. My friend and I decided to catch the 3.10pm one. Reached the cinema at 3.00pm, thinking that since this show is those foreign kind where not many Singaporeans watch, since this show has been screened for almost 3 months now, there must be many seats left. In fact, I thought there would only be the 2 of us in the whole cinema theatre. Imagine my shock when I saw on the screen at the box office that all tickets were sold out. My jaws literally dropped to the floor. I couldn't believe my eyes. Went back at about 8.45pm, wanting to buy the tickets for the 9.55pm show. Imagine my shock again when i saw that the tickets were selling fast. I was praying while waiting for my turn to buy the tickets that I would get decent seats. Decent seats, not really. I got the LAST 2 seats! My gosh... I thought to myself. Is the show really that nice? Must really watch to find out. And yup. 'The Kite Runner' was great. Completely worth the wait (from 3pm to 9.55pm). Completely worth the money I spent on shopping while I wait (ha..). Completely worth it. Or maybe cos my company was great as well. Ha.. Anyhow, those of you reading this, I recommend this movie to you. Great. But maybe you got to wait for the DVD cos I dun think it is screening anymore. Ha.. All in all, great day yesterday. Thank You, Lord, for the great company, great shopping, great dinner, great drink, great movie, great supper... Ha.. My waistline is getting great too... :(
6:45 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I love the version from the Message. It gives me a clearer understanding of what it is about. And while reading this portion of the Bible, I realise that the person written in it is me. I relate to this part of the Bible. As I said before, the Bible is personalised, for each one of us. I've inserted the verses here and also some thoughts of mine in between in brackets. Hmm.. If you are reading this, I encourage you to read till the end cos the beginning can be quite depressing. Ha. Lamentations 3:1-36 God Locked Me Up in Deep Darkness 1-3 I'm the man who has seen trouble, trouble coming from the lash of God's anger. He took me by the hand and walked me into pitch-black darkness. Yes, He's given me the back of his hand over and over and over again. (Yes. I've seen God's anger. I've sinned, time and again. But why does He do that? Why is He so harsh on me? Punishment? Isn't God supposed to be loving?) 4-6He turned me into a scarecrow of skin and bones, then broke the bones. He hemmed me in, ganged up on me, poured on the trouble and hard times. He locked me up in deep darkness, like a corpse nailed inside a coffin. (Yes. Darkness. I've felt that. I felt that I was in a dark box and felt as if I can never get out.) 7-9He shuts me in so I'll never get out, manacles my hands, shackles my feet. Even when I cry out and plead for help, He locks up my prayers and throws away the key. He sets up blockades with quarried limestone. He's got me cornered. (I cried out to Him but He didn't answer. Why? Cos I was asking the wrong things. I asked to have my problems solved. I was focusing on MYSELF. I want Him to forgive MY sins so I can feel better and then get on with life. I should be asking Him for Him instead.) 10-12He's a prowling bear tracking me down, a lion in hiding ready to pounce. He knocked me from the path and ripped me to pieces. When He finished, there was nothing left of me. He took out his bow and arrows and used me for target practice. 13-15He shot me in the stomach with arrows from his quiver. Everyone took me for a joke, made me the butt of their mocking ballads. He forced rotten, stinking food down my throat, bloated me with vile drinks. 16-18He ground my face into the gravel. He pounded me into the mud. I gave up on life altogether. I've forgotten what the good life is like. I said to myself, "This is it. I'm finished. God is a lost cause." (He made the pain of our wounds so unbearable that we were willing to do anything to break out of the bondage that tried to hold us. Even willing to give up the things that we hold so dear to which are also the very things that hinder us ffrom an intimate relaionship with God.) It's a Good Thing to Hope for Help from God 19-21I'll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness, the taste of ashes, the poison I've swallowed. I remember it all—oh, how well I remember— the feeling of hitting the bottom. But there's one other thing I remember, and remembering, I keep a grip on hope: (Oh, yes. I will never forget the darkness I felt. I will never forget the hopelessness I felt. But hey, for hope, I can turn to God because....) 22-24God's loyal love couldn't have run out, his merciful love couldn't have dried up. They're created new every morning. How great your faithfulness! I'm sticking with God (I say it over and over). He's all I've got left. (Amen. How true that is. God is love. It is His very nature. He cannot don't love. It is not 'God has love.' It is 'God is love.' And no matter how hopeless things are, I am clinging to Him cos He is all I got left whom I know will not fail me.) 25-27God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks. It's a good thing to quietly hope, quietly hope for help from God. It's a good thing when you're young to stick it out through the hard times. (Because help will come. I just have to seek. I just have to wait.) 28-30When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don't ask questions: Wait for hope to appear. Don't run from trouble. Take it full-face. The "worst" is never the worst. 31-33Why? Because the Master won't ever walk out and fail to return. If he works severely, he also works tenderly. His stockpiles of loyal love are immense. He takes no pleasure in making life hard, in throwing roadblocks in the way: (Ohh!! What a glorious and wonderful truth! He will not walk out on me!) 34-36Stomping down hard on luckless prisoners, Refusing justice to victims in the court of High God, Tampering with evidence— the Master does not approve of such things.
12:31 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Today, in church, a newcomer sat next to me. She doesn't look Chinese, so I presumed she is not a local, a Filippino perhaps. Talked to her after service. Found out she is an ex Muslim! And she is a local. A true blue Singaporean Malay! Oh wow... Given that 99 per cent of the Malay population in Singapore are Muslims and people expect a Singaporean Malay to be a Muslim, she must have been given many queer looks and thrown many questions when she profess that she is a Christian. She told me that currently she is staying in a hostel as her own family chased her out when she declared her belief in Jesus Christ. What pain she must have went through. I wonder... Every festive season, does she crave for her family? She must be very upset and lonely. Malays are wellknown to be grounded in family. Yet she has given up her family cos she wants to follow Christ. When her family and friends scold her, ridcule her, how does she handle the pain? The pain must be so so great that she must be tempted so many times to give Chirst up and go back to her family. Yet she didn't. When her family, her parents, her siblings plead with her to go back cos they miss her, does she turn soft inside and wants to give up? Yet she didn't. She strives on. She is determined to follow Christ, despite the odds against her, despite the lack of understanding from her family and society. She told us that her family told her that she will never survive outside alone. Her reply was "My living God will sustain me." When I heard her story, I don't know what came into me. I felt such joy and excitement that I went around church, telling everyone I bumped into about her. Cos hey, I never thought I can know someone like that. I can't contain my excitement! Oh, what faith! What courage! What strength! As I am blogging this, it dawns on me that this woman here has lived out Luke 9:23. The verse I shared yesterday on my blog. Oh my dear Heavenly Father, is this what You are teaching me? I asked for strength, courage and faith yesterday to deny myself and take up my cross daily so I can follow You. And today, You showed me a living example who has just done that! I have spoken, touched and seen such a person! She is not someone I read about or heard about. She is not a spiritual powerhouse, like Ruth Graham and Beth Moore. She is an ordinary Singaporean who has determined in her heart to follow an extraordinary God, You! She has DENIED HERSELF, her own ethnicity. She is TAKING UP HER CROSS DAILY, her pains of hearing her family and race calling her a betrayer. She is FOLLOWING YOU. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for sending Anatasia to me today. I thank You so much for this soul You saved. What a powerful testimony! Oh wow, Lord. Wow. I thank You for showing me that I, too, can be as strong, as courageous, as full of faith. I can deny myself. I can take up my cross daily. Most imporantly, I can follow You! Oh God, You are so good to me. You know that my weak spirit may sometimes doubt whether I can do it. But today, You showed me, I can. I can. Thank You, once again. Yet another revelation to me today. Like what Dennis Lee prayed about me last Sunday, You will reveal Youself to me. Revelations will come to me. One had already came on Thurs. Today, yet another one. Jesus, I want to remember always how good You are to me. You have 'quiet me with Your love' Zep 3:17. I am stunned by Your goodness. Thank You, Abba Father. And now, I want to deny myself, take up my cross daily and follow You. Cos I know I can do it, by Your spirit. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen
6:00 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Luke 9:23-24
Yes, isn't it so true? I really love the version from the Message. I keep saying I want to follow Christ. But have I really been denying myself? If so, why do I keep wanting things my way? Why am I so persistent? Why can't I take 'no' for an answer? WHy do I go beserk when things don't go my way? So Jing Er, deny yourself! If you are really determined to follow Christ, deny yourself! Let God lead! He is in the driver's seat! Hand the wheel over! As I read this verse a few days ago (I was reading the NKJ version), I keep thinking to myself 'What does it mean to take up the cross?' It says here in the Message version that it means suffering. Our pain. And we have to take it up daily. To me, this pain is my guilt, my shame, my past. How to embrace that? Hurts like hell. Makes me want to hide when I confront my past. Makes me want to dig a deep hole and hide in it. But Jesus said that we shouldn't run from it. We should embrace it. How to do so? Well, the good news is that He doesn't tell us to deal with the pain alone. He said to follow Him and He will show me how. What a marvellous promise. Dear Jesus, I thank You for Your timely word to me. I thank You for sending Fanny to remind me that Your Word, the Bible, is the Number 1 Topseller in the world. And that it is a love story. It is a love story between You and me. It is not like the other love novels cos Your Book is the truth. It is personalised for me. I thank You so much for Your love. Lord, I want to follow You. I want to deny myself. I understand I have to take up my cross daily. Give me the strength and courage, Father. I know that You will not leave me alone in this quest of finding myself. You said that to find myself, my true self, I have to sacrifice myself. That is what I want to do. Father, I want to follow You. I want to. I really want to. You see this desire in my heart. Father, I want to pursue You like You pursue me. In my Saviour's name, Amen
1:42 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Rush Of Fools - Undo What I've Become I've been here before, now here I am again Standing at the door, praying You'll let me back in To label me a prodigal would be Only scratching the surface of who I've been known to be [Chorus] Turn me around pick me up Undo what I've become Bring me back to the place Of forgiveness and grace I need You, need Your help I can't do this myself You're the only one who can undo What I've become I focused on the score, but I could never win Trying to ignore, a life of hiding my sin To label me a hypocrite would be Only scratching the surface of who I've been known to be [Chorus] Turn me around pick me up Undo what I've become Bring me back to the place Of forgiveness and grace I need You, need Your help I can't do this myself You're the only one who can undo What I've become Make every step lead me back to The sovereign way that You [Chorus] Turn me around pick me up Undo what I've become Bring me back to the place Of forgiveness and grace I need You, need Your help I can't do this myself You're the only one who can undo What I've become
5:03 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Why is Mankind so wretched? Or is it just me? I've come to realise that be it with God or without God, I will have to face pain. Without God, obviously the pain is caused by the consequences I in my wretched self decide to do. With God, the pain comes also cos of myself cos I am not willing to surrender my all to God. Pain in giving up things God wants me to give up. Jing Er, why can't you realise that at least suffering pain with God has its rewards. I can experience the fuillness of God? Lord, help me. Help me to say this 'Despite outcomes and circumstances, each day is for the Lord, not for me and that all I do must be for His glory. God promises to never leave me nor forsake me and out of love for Him, I must keep my eyes on the prize.' I'm desperate for You again. Please fill me again.
6:53 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sunday. Dennis Lee. What do I have? Altar call. Openess in my spirit. Wisdom. Revelations. God reveals Himself.
3:24 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Yesterday's DG sharing by Hong was good. But it was something Serene said that sent goosebumps on my arms. She shared with us a testimony she heard. It was about a pastor who went for a mission trip. He encountered a demon-possessed person and he tried to pray for the person. The person rebuked, "It is only by prayer and fasting that you can do this!" The pastor was stunned cos he didn't fast. He was feeling a bit crest-fallen when he had a sudden courage and impression to shout back to the demon, "I may not fast, but I have Someone in me that has fasted and prayed on my behalf for 40 days and nights!" Oh yes. How true that is! I keep forgetting! 4You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:4 Dear Heavenly Father, help me remember this! That I may be weak, but the One in me is strong. That I may fail and succumb to temptations, but the One in me can rescue me. That I may be tired and heavy-laded, but the One in me has strength that will never fail.
12:04 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
This blog entry is inspired by my sister's blog with the same title. I wonder when my Abba Father looks at me, what is going through His mind (Psalm 139:17-18)? I wonder when He sees me trying my best to do what pleases Him, what kind of smile does He has on His face? A wide smile, a goofy grin? In doing what pleases Him, do I bring a spring to His step, taps on His feet? I wonder when He sees me doing things I shouldn't do, does He feel like coming down from heaven and tell me not to go that path of misery? And yet He has to endure the pain of seeing me suffer cos it is only through it that I can experience His mercy and grace. I wonder when He sees me cry and struggle with life, does He feel like slapping the evil one for me? I wonder when He sees me crying myself to sleep, does He feel like hugging me, patting my head, smothering me with His love and telling me things are going to be ok cos He is in charge? I wonder when He sees me finding it difficult to come to Him cos of guilt and shame, does He feel like showing Himself to me, extending His arms wide and hold me and tell me that He has never condemn me? Many things I wonder. But one thing I am very sure. He cries when I cry. He smiles when I smile. He laughs when I laugh. He loves me and only want the best for me.
3:05 PM
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Again, Monica's blog entry speaks to me. Again, it talks about what is exactly in my heart. Suit Up! "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9, NIV) "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil... Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand the evil day, and having done all, to stand." (Ephesians 6:10, 13) The dreaded phone call came. My uncle had been in a serious car accident and his neck may be broken. No one likes to hear bad news and a child of God knows when it is time to go to war. I called a prayer warrior and we lifted my uncle up to the Lord. By the time we were done praying I was pissed. Yes, I used the p-word! The enemy had gone too far and I was done. He had messed with the wrong girl and touched the wrong family for the last time. I got suited up last night and wore down the living room carpet one more time. (I've been thinking about buying new furniture, but now realize it would cover the path of prayer in my house.) Yes, I called on the Name of Jesus and asked Him to show Himself; to rain down on my uncle, the rest of my family, friends and myself. I asked Him to cover us with His Presence, His grace and His love. It was time for battle. I don't know about you, but I am ready to escort the enemy back to the pit of hell with no ice! All of us go through times that leave us so heavy and burdened, worn out and weary. For the first time in my life I know joy through the love of God and I am not about to let the enemy take it away. God wants His children to know Him, His love and every promise He has made. It's time to take back, receive and give God glory for all that He is and has promised. The war is on. If the enemy is on your doorstep, then suit up my friend. Be strong and courageous; it's time to fight. It's time for you to know the joy of the Lord. It's time to take back what the enemy has stolen. It's time to claim your victory in Jesus. It's time to remind the enemy that the battle has been won and he needs to back up and back off! It's time to let him know that he has messed with the wrong men, women and children. He doesn't get us or them because we have Jesus and greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world! If you have no idea how to suit up or you have been suited up for so long your armor is worn, then find a friend, sister or brother in Christ to help you fight. If they are not available then it's time for you to muster what strength you have and stand in the Lord. If all you know is "The Our Father," then say it. If you only know one verse of Scripture say it. If you only know a few words to a hymn, sing it. If you don't know any Scripture, grab the Bible and read it out loud. If you can't get ahold of a Bible then repeat the Name that is above all Names - Jesus. Keep saying it, keep singing it until you can't speak, take a breath and start all over again. This is the last thing the enemy wants us to do and the most important thing we can do for ourselves and each other. Today, put on the armor of God. Throw on the garment of praise. Be strong and courageous and when you have done all you can, be still and know that God can and will move your mountains for His glory and His children. Suit up! ~ http://hisinvitation.blogspot.com/2008/02/suited-up.html
12:16 AM
Monday, February 04, 2008
Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; and AGAIN I say rejoice! Defintion of rejoice: (verb) feel or show great joy Ohhh... God is just so great. He is just so great. Words fail me when I want to express my gratitude to my Daddy God. But I shall try my best! Thank You, Daddy God, for:
Something I read that warms my heart so very much: "To say "God is here and everywhere" doesn't mean much, so I like to personalize the immanence of God. When we lie down at night and drift off to sleep, why not think of God as standing next to our beds, tucking us in by the divine presence? We can speak goodnight words, or when we open our eyes in the morning, God's face is smiling at us, and we can give thanks for the sleep. It gives me great pleasure to think of God being part of everything that happens in my life and being beside me wherever I go. " ~ http://www.crosswalk.com/devotionals/invadingprivacyofgod/ You have looked deep into my heart, LORD, and you know all about me. -- PSALMS 139:1, CEV [Jesus said] "…I will be with you always, even until the end of the world." -- MATTHEW 28:20B, CEV Dear Daddy God, yes. I believe that. I believe You are just right next to me. I believe You love me so much. I believe You will protect me. I believe You want me to live out Your best. Thank You, Daddy God. Oh! My heart is bursting with joy for You. Let it overflow! Let this joy overflow from my heart to Your people! Let Your name be glorified! Daddy King, be the one sovereign in my life! In the sweetest, lovliest name of Jesus, Amen!
2:38 PM
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Woh.. Sooo tired right now. Loonnngggg day today. But no tiredness will stop me from declaring God's goodness! If I have to look through today with my tinted human eyes today, I would say that my day started horrible today. Was kinda upset cos I prayed before I slept last night that today will be a day of victory for me as I battle the evil one. (I have been fighting the thoughts he put in my head for days....) :( Didn't sleep well. Woke up almost every hour. Bad dreams. These dreams were about the very things that disturbed me these past few days. The dreams came one after another, waking me up. Not a good sleep at all. :( Saw an old friend whom I didn't see in a long time. Took the same bus with her to school. She updated me with some news I rather not know. And believe it or not, this news I heard from her was related to the very same thing that disturbed me that made me had the bad dreams. Sad start of the day. I told God, "Daddy God, I still believe that today is a day of victory. I'm not the one fighting the battle, but it's You. And I know we will win the battle. And you know what? Things started to look up from then on. :) Saw Fanny's sms. She prayed that God's presence be so strong in my life today. (And it did! Thank You, Daddy God for this prayer Your daughter uttered for me!) :) Friend told me the stipend is in. It's in early this year! Supposedly to be in in mid-Feb. Thank You, ABba Father, so much! Just when I need the money so so much! :) Then came my sister's funniest, weirdest sms. Made me laughed out loud in the midst of my tutorial! The bad dreams, the news forgotten as I laughed. God took my frown away and replaced it with laugh wrinkles! :) Then came my sister's prayer through sms. She prayed for knowledge and wisdom for me so that I may know God more. What a timely message. I really needed it then. :) Boss sms-ed me. Pay is ready to collect! Not only does God give me the money I need, He give me extra!! How great is my God! :) My friends in school. Saw and met up with many old friends whom I seldom see around school. Chatted and laughed. Had a great time. :) Checked email in between lessons. Saw Monica's comment. I made a friend in America!! How great to see how God had used the two of us to encourage one another. Yes, Daddy King, Your kingdom knows no end! Your glory shines to the ends of the earth!! :) Had DG. Again, fun and laughter. Eric brought a friend. Lester joined us. FULL ATTENDENCE!! So much fun and yet, in the midst of it all, God's word was spoken. His word reminded. What a great time. Noticed something? God loves me so much. He 'compensates' my two :( with SEVEN :). He is just so so so good. He loves me so so so so much. What a DAY of VICTORY! Ok. Very sleepy now. Going to end this entry with what Fanny said that made a huge impression in me. "When you ask God to open your eyes, make sure you are ready to see what He shows you and be obedient to it. When you ask God to make you more like Jesus, make sure you are ready to make sacrifices to do what Jesus did. Love."
12:18 AM
Yours Truly
~~~JING ER~~~
*Just an ordinary girl made extraordinary by God*
*Interestingly and uniquely created*
*Never fail to be amazed by God's love, grace and mercy*
*Going on a journey to become the woman God's created me to be*
*Everytime I am lost, I know His love will lead me home*
*Refreshed whenever I turn to Him*
Favourite Poem
Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God
that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.