Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The power of words.

They can build and yet break a person.

They can heal and yet destroy.

They can bring happiness and sorrow.

They can cause love and hate.

They have positive and negative sides.

So why am I experiencing only the negative ones these days?

1:12 AM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sam Kuma was preaching in our church today again. He is a regular speaker. There were 2 things that he talked about which touched my heart. One is on good friends and the other is on doors.

I shall talk about the doors here.

Imagine Jesus is a guest in your home. You will show Him the prettiest and nicest places - the living room, the kitchen, the hall, the rooms perhaps. There will be at least one room that you do not want Him to see. Cos you know it is filthy. It is dark. It holds your deepest secrets. It is a room you do not want your Distinguished Guest to see cos it is not nice.

This is not the first time I hear this illustration. At this point, I thought to myself, "Well, there are many rooms I do not want Jesus to open and see. My skeletons in the closet."

A gentle voice in me seemed to say, "My dear child, I know what's behind those doors, even without opening. Yet, I still love you. Yet, I still want to come and stay with you."

God is universal, yet He chooses to stay in my heart.

Yes. Jesus loves me, whether I like it or not, whether I love myself or not. (This is a catchphrase of one of my fav preachers.)

He knows me inside out. I don't have to hide.

Thank You, Jesus. I love You and I want to put a smile on Your face everyday.

11:30 PM